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Martin Campos Podcast; conversation in Madrid

A mediados del pasado mes de Septiembre hemos tenido la fortuna de contar con el artista Martin Campos impartiendo dos workshops sobre dibujo y pintura de modelo natural. Durante los […]

Vicente García Lázaro, Egg tempera in the XXI

Los artistas siempre han tratado de dejar testimonio de la realidad, ver lo que otros no ven y mostrar a los demás esa esencia. Vicente García Lázaro aporta esa mirada […]

Charles Villeneuve, The draft

Charles Villeneuve es sin duda un referente artístico que ha elegido como medio de expresión favorito la acuarela. De origen francés lleva tiempo viviendo en España aunque su agenda artística […]

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Excellent professional and human environment .... Work, humor, desire to learn and generosity. A course to not forget!
Charo García Saavedra
Thank you for your generosity and for allowing students of the faculty of the Fine Arts to enjoy this enriching experience, which, otherwise, we could not have lived. Thank you.
Soraya Triana Hernández
Awesome week! I did´nt want it to end. Vincent is such an amazing teacher. I can't wait to attend his future workshops again. Thanks a lot! I have learnt so much in a week!
Sheen Ochavez
Back home from the workshop for a few days now, let me tell you what my feelings are. First I think some parts of me are still in Madrid!...what a wonderful place ! Then I really start realizing how many new tools and motivation for painting I brought back. At first I was very impressed to participate , because this was my first workshop like this. But everybody made me feel at ease very quickly. Every minute of the workshop was of equal intensity. The analyze from different artists work was very helpful. The exercises were unexpected and creative. I appreciated the way the instructions were meant to guide each one towards his personal response. Working in the group was a powerful catalyst and very inspiring. Stuarts Shils's guidance was generous, open minded , he was a passionate speaker with a clear and deep message to give. This workshop was an outstanding experience for me. Most certainly I'll come back for more!
Christine Bayle
I want to express my appreciation and gratitude for the beautiful and important painting workshop you have organized this July 10-15, 2016 - under the direction of Master Stuart Shils.
It has been a wonderful experience for me, both for the high artistic content and for the great human quality.
I refer in the first case to the excellent direction of Stuart, from the point of view of the content and focus of the exercises, demonstrations, slides and others, as well as his didactic skills and easyness to transmit them.
The group had a high professional and personal level, a real pleasure to share with them that experience.
And to end up with the human side, I want to express you in this way what I think I have already transmitted to you. Personally, you are a warm, efficient person, attentive to all the details, nothing was missing, everything worked perfectly.
I ask you to publish these considerations of mine and from ny side I will recommend to all my painter friends they get in touch with you, directly or through The Art Digger so that they can get enriched by attending as I have done with such a pleasure.
Marta Roitman
Already from the first day after returning home and with the head turned on fire like a firefly at dawn, one knows that something has changed and that nothing will be the same, Stuart Shills has opened a door for the understanding of how we perceive the visual world through his exercises. He has shown us the key to pictorial intelligence. What's more, he has given us a duplicate. Stuart is a wonderful person.
Juan Moreno Moya