Stuart Shils

«El juego y la curiosidad son de un enorme interés para mí en mi trabajo y en mis clases … Esa noción de juego es muy relevante no solo para mirar la naturaleza, sino también para mirar hacia atrás a las referencias del arte pasado que admiramos para inspirar nuestros propios pensamientos»
Interview with Stuart Shils, Part Two – On Teaching
Stuart Shils has been painted from natural for 30 years. His work has been presented at solo exhibitions in New York, Philadelphia, Tel Aviv, Boston, San Francisco and Cork (Ireland). Critical reviews and comments have appeared in numerous newspapers, newspapers and magazines, including: The New York Times, The New Yorker, The Brooklyn Rail, The New York Sun, Haaretz,, The Wall Street Journal, The Boston Globe, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Irish Times, Art in America, The New Republic, The New Criterion and The Hudson Review. His paintings are represented by Steven Harvey Fine Art Projects in New York, and his monotypes by Davis and Langdale, also in New York. Shils is currently a counselor for advanced students at PAFA in Philadelphia, where he also teaches a painting class, in addition to teaching Master courses in painting and monotype. He has also been a visiting counselor at the Vermont Studio Center for many years and currently teaches at numerous locations around the United States. Since 1994 he spent 13 summers working on the northwest coast of Ireland: a long pictorial experience described in the PBS documentary Ballycastle. If you want to know more about Stuart Shis visit The Art Diggger post about this artist
Shils es actualmente consejero para estudiantes avanzados en PAFA en Filadelfia, donde también enseña una clase de pintura, además de impartir cursos Master de pintura y monotipo. También ha sido consejero invitado en el Vermont Studio Center durante muchos años y actualmente imparte clases en numerosos lugares alrededor de los Estados Unidos.
Desde 1994 pasó 13 veranos trabajando en la costa noroeste de Irlanda: una larga experiencia pictórica que se describe en la película documental de PBS Ballycastle.
Si quieres conocer mas sobre Stuart Shis visita el post de The Art Diggger sobre este artista